I’ll get there

Thinking about writing, imagining the story in my head is the easy part. The difficult part is finding the time to get it down. I imagine a world where I do nothing except write. Of course this is a fantasy world. While I’m at it, I will imagine I split my time between writing my own novels and reading those that captivate me. A world where all of my daily needs are taken care of so I can focus on those two things.

In reality, I find 10 minutes here, another 5 there to put down on paper the scenes in my head, work the characters into someone worth knowing, or hating. I spend my day working or taking care of family needs and wants. Somedays going without writing because my day was to full of other things that needed my attention. I lie down at night and say tomorrow for sure. Only that tomorrow doesn’t appear for a day or two, sometimes a week.

I try not to be hard on myself, to tell myself how far I would be if I would have started sooner, wrote longer. I remind myself it’s doesn’t matter how I get there as long as I do. Because I will get there. I will get to the last page of the last revision and it will done. Then I will start the cycle all over with a new scene I can’t stop thinking about, new characters to love and to hate.


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