Writing, reading and other stuff

Writing Life – I continue to work on my revision, somedays are better than others. There are times I tell myself it will never happen and others where I know it will. I just have to be patient. It will all happen it its own time. I had two extra days off last weekend and had a taste of what my life would be like if I could afford to stay home and write. It was amazing and super difficult to go back to work on Tuesday. I’m fortunate though, I have a “regular” job that I absolutely love. I always say it’s not a bad plan b. It could always be worse, that’s for sure.

What I’m reading – I’ll be honest here; I have 5 books on hold at the library and even more in my cart on Amazon. I pick books with the intention of reading them, of expanding my mind and my craft.  And then – Poof, the time I had to read the book has come and gone before I’ve even read the 1st 3 chapters. Or I tell myself I haven’t even been able to read the loaned books I have, and talk myself out of purchasing anymore. So right now, I am not reading and I have been so focused on my writing work I haven’t finished the last 3 I’ve had. I’ll be doing some reevaluating here and making sure to find that time.

Other stuff – April is a busy month for our family. Both my children have April birthdays. It was nice when they were little, I could have one big party. That lasted a little longer than I thought it would. Then, we went through a few years of separate parties and now, they’d rather have something a little nicer in lieu of a party. Works for me. They are both hitting milestones this year. My oldest 18, my youngest 16. This month my oldest has Senior Ball. Yep – Busy month indeed and these are only the things we have planned.

Until next time,

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