1st Day of school
The week ahead is the first day of school for my kids. This year, the first day of school will be different than every other one we’ve had in our house. Usually, I take the day off for drop off and pick up. Having a few hours of uninterrupted time to myself in an empty house. I’d read or write or watch some show I haven’t had time to watch because of one reason or another. I’d take the time to think about the year ahead. The back-to-school nights, field trips and PTA meeting that would undoubtedly take all of the little free time I had. I’d tell myself, “one day you’ll have lots of time to yourself.”
The fact is, now I do. My oldest is off to Community College, finding out who she is as an adult. Navigating through one of the best times in her life. My youngest, still in High School has asked to try something other than traditional High School. He’ll be home all day, completing his work via computer, seeing if Independent Study is right for him. Hopefully, it’s the key he needs to succeed. These changes also mean no more going in to work late, after drop off. Or needing to leave early if one of them isn’t feeling well.
While this year will be different in more ways than one, and I will feel a sadness at how fast the time has gone to get us to this point. I am also looking forward to seeing both of my children grow and become the people they are meant to be.
One thing will certainly stay the same, I will get a first day of school photo!