Rough couple weeks
The past few weeks have been a little rough for me.
I thought the Dr. would release me to go back to work full-time – he didn’t. I had an elbow injury followed by surgery almost a year ago. I’m still not where I need to be.
I watched as my daughter took her 1st driving lesson and cried at the thought of not driving her everywhere she needs to go anymore. Those drives are when she opens up to me about her day, her friends and anything else she wants to talk about. I cherish those talks with her.
We thought we might have some answers to the medical problems my husband has been having – nope just more tests and bloodwork.
I signed up to participate in writing a 1000 words a day, it’s like day 10 and I haven’t written anything besides this – I guess it counts. To be fair I knew I wouldn’t be able to write 1000 words a day given that I am not ready to do that. I just thought I’d write something. I couldn’t even manage a blog post last week.
Oh yeah and every time I look at social media or the news, I have this feeling that the world really SUCKS!
I could be upset that I’m not able to go back to my very business 9-5.Instead I think that everything happens for a reason. The time I’ve had off has given me an opportunity to do lots of research on literary agents, on the market, and participate in webinars that normally I would be to tired to even think about.
I remember that my daughter and I have a very close relationship and hope that even after she’s driving herself everywhere she needs to go, she will continue to talk to me about everything in her life. I feel blessed that I’ve had those times in the car with her and I will hold the time left together even closer.
I know that most times no news is good news and continue to pray that we find out the reason behind the issues my husband is having and keep good thoughts all the time instead of researching his symptoms on WebMD. Because most times he’s dying when I do that.
I look at the calendar and realize there are many more days left for me to write 1000 words. The important thing is to write, no matter how many words it is. I will get there as long as I don’t give up.
I realize the world doesn’t suck, and while some people in the world do, it is also filled with wonderful caring people that make the world a better place. Instead I focus on being kind and caring and making sure that my children do the same. I smile to make someone else’s day a little better and I put quarters in expired meters whenever I can.
I remember that my rough days are pretty easy compared to some out there. I focus on all the good things that have happened to me instead of the setbacks. I hope that everyone goes out and tries to make the world a better place. In the end, no matter how hard a time I may be having – there is always tomorrow!