I’ll never know unless I try
I’ve worked on my manuscript for so long, I’ve lost track of how many times it’s been revised. It was time to try to get an agent if this was something I was going to go for. I researched agencies, agents, how to get a book published in traditional publishing, how to write query letters – you get the point. I researched the heck out of it. That is just my personality, I never go into things blindly.
Of course, the self-doubt creeps in and I ask myself, am I ready to go for this? Do I have what it takes? Is this the story I start with? It’s one of those things I don’t ever think will go away, it’s human nature I suppose. That little voice of doubt. I’ve started querying, there are names and dates in my spreadsheet so I can keep track of the who and the when.
I’ve had sample material requested, which is so freaking awesome. It means something, even if it doesn’t go anywhere this time. This could actually happen. I’ve just started so I have no ideas where I’m going. I do know I will enjoy the ride – the ups and the downs. In the end it can only make me a better writer. I will do my best to learn from everything on this journey.
Because I’ll never know unless I try!